Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mr Slim Rocks!

Finally ! We had our Mitsubishi mini split ductless air conditioners and heat pumps installed today.The company that installed, Wilks Inc. were awesome - they arrived at 0830 and were completely finished by 430. 4 units with a total of a kickin' 25 seer and the possibility of saving 30-40 percent on our utility bills. WoooHooo! And we have remote controls. If you don't know what they are check them out here ( http://www.mehvac.com). All our ugly noisy germ spreading window units are GONE. These are so quiet, you don't even know they are on. Party time : we are crankin' the heat up to 72 in every room ..LOL. What simple pleasure... can hardly wait until it is 100 degrees outside again !

Monday, February 15, 2010

Special Olympics Scarf Project


Special Olympics Scarf


Sunday, February 14, 2010

who the heck is Kevin Smith ?!

Kevin Smith Kicked Off Southwest Flight for Being Too Fat

This story popped up on a news feed on my iGoogle home page and the whole time I was reading it, all I could think of was " who the heck is Kevin Smith and how fat do you have to be to get thrown off a plane"? Strange world we live in.

Valentines Days

When the kids were little and I was a single mom gift giving holidays were always a challenge financially. When they would mention a holiday that entailed THEM giving ME something I would tell them I did not want a present because " every day is mothers day - I have all of you ." Mostly it worked so they did not feel bad about not having the money to get me things (I have never cared about 'present' holidays anyway). But my youngest son gave me a bouquet of roses - it was so nice to get a Valentines Day present! Every day should be Valentines Day, dontcha think?!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Captain Phil

...the best part of Deadliest Catch. He was a genuine individual. No doubt one of those people, who if you knew him in real life, made you constantly waver between wanting to hug him or hit him. Captain Phil delivered many 'Oh my god ' moments on the show - he made me laugh. He made me cringe. Either way, it was impossible to be indifferent to him. He surely earned,and deserved, his 15 minutes....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


spent the day rearranging the kitchen and stripping the wallpaper border - getting ready to paint and put down a new floor. It is a useless kitchen so I am trying to redeem it by making it pretty. Hope it works...LOL. We are going to re-do it in a few years,add a dishwasher and farmhouse sink along with moving the stove and putting in an exhaust fan and more counter space. In the meantime, we grill...alot.